

This page provides details of the events that The Sand House Charity has arranged and others that it will be involved in. Click on any event that has a pale grey background in order to expand the description and see all the details.

Where the event is an illustrated talk at the request of a host group (for example, at a local history society or a Women’s Institute branch) we suggest that you make contact with that group to check that they allow visitors, before attending.

If you are interested in arranging an illustrated talk about the Sand House for a group that you are involved with, please note that, for the time being, our talks are mostly restricted to daytimes only. For more details please contact us.

Please keep checking back on this page for updates. Thank you.

No Sand House events coming up at the moment. Sorry, but more will appear!
We don’t have any upcoming events planned at the moment, but please keep checking back here, as we shall be adding events during 2025.